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Beginner Boxing - A solo training program Short Details: Learn boxing for fitness and self-defense.

Beginner Boxing - A solo training program Short Details: Learn boxing for fitness and self-defense

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  • • It is suggested that you are equipped with a minimum of a pair of hand wraps, boxing gloves, and a heavy bag for the advanced aspects of this course. This course helps you decide what equipment will be best suited to you.


This course introduces the sports enthusiast to the basics of boxing.
This course covers the following topics: warmups, stretching, body conditioning, equipment, stances, footwork, punches, punch combinations, defenses, shadow boxing, and heavy bag training.
It is ideal for the individual trainer as it primarily focuses on shadowboxing and heavy bag techniques.
Grandmaster Michael A. Seltzer holds several advanced ranks (10th Dan and above) in various styles of martial arts. Additionally, he holds three doctoral of science degrees and is a certified professional wrestler and boxing coach.

Who this course is for:
• Boxers
• Martial artists
• Fitness Enthusiasts
• Anyone with an interest in the mechanics of boxing

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About the Instructor

About the Instructor